3 Kinds of Peacocks (In addition to Fascinating Realities)


Peacocks are what we generally call male peafowls. Peafowls have a place with the bird family and are local to Asia. They are the biggest flying birds with a length that can arrive at up to 5 feet. Their tails make up 60% of their length. They can likewise weigh between 8-13 pounds.

Their principal hunters are tigers, panthers, and mongooses. While detecting risk, these birds can conceal themselves in the trees and go through evenings simply stowing away. Peacocks are polygamous and normally have a collection of mistresses of 2-5 peahens. When deserted,


Congo Peacock


The Congo peacock looks like a bird, which isn't shocking on the grounds that all peafowl is individuals from the fowl family. Little in height and without noteworthy tail feathers, Congo peacocks have chest areas loaded up with brilliant blue elements and greenish quills on their wings.

They are additionally the main sort of peacock that is local to Africa. Guys are around 28 creeps long, while the females are a bit more modest. The females likewise have more unobtrusive shading than the guys, to some extent since they need to disguise themselves from hunters while they're perched on their eggs.

Since these birds are fairly secretive and haven't been concentrated on a lot, not much is been aware of them, however, specialists really do realize they feed for the most part on a tight eating routine of plant parts, seeds, and organic products.

They are broadly dispersed in their environment, and this sort of peacock is just tracked down in the Majority of rule Republic of Congo, specifically, the eastern half. It inclines toward marsh rainforests, slants among streams, and a couple of different spots.

Green Peacock


Starting from Indonesia, green peacocks have splendidly hued tail feathers that are utilized to court the females. They likewise have a fan-molded peak over their heads, which has green tips.

One more name for this peacock is the Javanese peacock, and the female peahens are likewise splendidly hued and have a green color, albeit the tones are more unpretentious than in the guys. The female peahens likewise don't have a long tail of plumes.

Indian Peacock


Of the types of peacocks, this is all the most conspicuous. Local to India, Sri Lanka, and different pieces of eastern Asia, their notable tail plumage is utilized in pursuing the females and comprises various brilliant blue heads and blue peaks.

The females of the species are an inconspicuous earthy colored tone and have either blue or green heads, and their tails are more modest so they can disguise themselves while sitting on their eggs.

Colors Remembered for a Peacock's Tail and Body


Brown and Copper

The bodies and tails of the two peafowls species are different shades of brown and copper. There are even changes of peacocks that are totally brown in variety, albeit the transformations are uncommon. One realized animal groups is even a chocolate-earthy colored tone and has dim earthy colored eyespots.


There are three kinds of green peacocks: the Java, the Indo-Chinese, and the Burmese, however, they all have heads and necks where the prevailing tone is green. Both the blue and green species additionally have tail tufts with this variety in it. Green peacocks likewise have different shades of green and copper, making them very striking creatures.

Glowing Blues

In an Indian peacock, the head and the neck are an exceptionally rich shade of blue. Truth be told, this is the thing that makes it appear to be unique to the green peacock. There is an eyespot on the tail crest of both the Indian and green peacock that comprise a similar lovely shade of blue.

Various Varieties

Notwithstanding the primary tones, there are other more unobtrusive varieties in numerous types of peacocks. This incorporates purple and, surprisingly, white. Be that as it may, assuming that you notice these tones in a peacock, it's anything but a standard peacock, yet rather a transformation of the blue or green peacock. Just the transformations have these intriguing and one-of-a-kind tones.

Delicate Yellow

Peacock tufts really have plumes with featherlike strands joined to them. Every single one of the strands has what is known as barbules, which are fibers that seem to be feathers. Yellow may not be common or even perceptible in these peacocks, yet assuming you look carefully you can see it, and it surely adds to the general excellence of the creature.

Fascinating Realities about Peacocks

Various Names for Various Creatures

Just the guys of the species - which are known as peafowls - are called peacocks. The females are called peahens, and the infants are called peachicks. A group of peafowl is known as a pack.

Indeed, Peacocks Can Fly


In spite of the fact that peacocks can't fly extremely far, they can, truth be told, fly. This is regardless of the way that their tail feathers take up approximately 60% of their body weight and arrive at a range of around six feet.

They Used to Be Eaten

It sounds somewhat abnormal, yet at one time peacocks were really eaten. In bygone eras, these birds were culled and cooked and, surprisingly, changed in their quills to look great on the supper table. By most records, in any case, peacocks were extreme and coarse and didn't really taste that benefit.

Their Tails Are Wonderful Which is as it should be

The explanation a peacock's tails are so gorgeous is that of precious stone-like designs that are extremely small and which mirror various frequencies of light. The sum shifts as per how they're divided, yet it generally brings about the splendid fluorescent varieties we know all about today.

Truth be told, different creatures have this equivalent cycle, including both shining butterflies and hummingbirds.

Their Quills Are Not Generally There

Peacocks are not brought into the world with feathers and truth be told, the male peachick doesn't begin developing his trains until around the age of three. As a matter of fact, it is challenging to tell the sex of a peachick until something like a half-year-old enough, when the guys begin to change the tone.

Don't bother Killing Them

Many individuals feel that you need to kill a peacock to get its plumes, however, this is just false. Subsequent to mating season, peacocks will shed their quills, so they are not difficult to get together around them without hurting the creature. The typical peacock lives close to 20 years, so that is a lot of quills shed during their lifetime.

Not All Peacocks Are Green or Blue

Because of reproduction, there are presently peacocks that are a strong white tone. Certain individuals think they are pale-skinned people, however, they aren't on the grounds that their eye tone is typical. The two guys and females can be reproduced to be all white, and it is a shocking sight.